Introducing Crowns: How the New WordFinder App Feature Helps You Play Smarter

Piles of gold coins introducing Crowns

Adapted from Getty Images

We have exciting news to share with WordFinder users everywhere: Crowns are now available! Crowns are a brand-new feature in the WordFinder app, letting word game lovers get more of what they need from their favorite helping tool. Keep reading to learn what Crowns are all about: how to get them, how to use them, how they make WordFinder even better and more.

What Are Crowns?

Crowns are the new in-app currency for the WordFinder mobile app. They are purposefully similar to the coins, gems and other in-game currencies you find in other word game apps. This means that you won’t have to worry about them being unfamiliar. We’ve made sure they work the same way as what you’re already comfortable using.

How to Use Crowns

So, what do you use the Crowns for? You use them to get the most out of your time with our word finder

When you’re trying to find the answer to a Wordscapes puzzle or the perfect counterplay in Words With Friends, you want to get what you need as quickly as possible. By using Crowns, you can avoid watching pop-up ads to save time. Get what you need right away and get back to your game.

WordFinder app with crowns screenshotsWordFinder app with crowns screenshots

Special Uses in Specific Games

Use Crowns to unlock special options for Words With Friends and Wordscapes.

  • Words With Friends: When using the screenshot board solver or getting help from WordyBot, you could watch a short ad to unlock the word with the highest value. Now, you can either watch a video or spend 10 Crowns to unlock the word. 

  • Wordscapes: Similar to the Words With Friends helper, you can watch an ad to reveal the full solution or bonus words for any Wordscapes level. Again, you now have the option to spend 10 Crowns, if you prefer, to get the answer immediately.

Your WordFinder Ad Blocker

You can use Crowns to block any banner or pop-up ads from appearing. This will not stop video ads that you actively choose to watch from playing, however. If you choose the option to watch an ad to unlock the best word in Words With Friends, for instance, the ad will still play. 

When you open the Shop page in WordFinder, you’ll see options to purchase Crowns or to turn off ads. You purchase the Crowns with real money, and you turn off ads for a time by spending those Crowns. You’ll have the option to turn off ads for one day, seven days, or 30 days.

How to Get Free Crowns

To get your hands on some of the super-useful Crowns, the first step is to simply open the WordFinder app. To celebrate the launch, and going forward for every new user, we are giving everyone 75 Crowns for free. These free Crowns will help you get started and let you test them out. Visit the app and use them a few times to see what they can do for you.

WordFinder also provides daily rewards. Now, whenever you log into the app after a 24-hour period, you will automatically earn 10 free Crowns. We are also working on a daily streak system to provide more free Crowns to people who open the app on consecutive days. 

Other Changes to the App

With Crowns as the massive enhancement for WordFinder, there have been some other changes to how the app works. Certain features that were once exclusive to Premium subscribers are now available to all users.

  • Articles: You can now read every WordFinder article for free in the app. We also publish some app-exclusive articles on occasion.

  • Resources and Rules: You can access the rules and other resources for many of the games that WordFinder supports. Select the “Rules & Resources” for your chosen game and click on the “Read official game rules” option to open a link to their official page.

Changes for Premium Subscribers

Premium subscriptions are now a thing of the past for the WordFinder app. If you are a current subscriber, you don’t need to worry. The new Crowns can do everything you want and more. That said, there are some details that are good for you to know. They also vary depending on what type of device you use.

  • iOS: WordFinder will honor all current subscriptions until they expire, but you will be unable to renew after that point. Once your subscription expires, you will be given a gift as thanks for subscribing up to that point.

  • Android: Current subscribers have the option to keep using and enjoying their premium benefits as long as they keep their subscription active. However, if you cancel your subscription, you will not be able to activate it again.

Make the Most of the WordFinder App

We are excited to finally share Crowns with the world. This new tool will help you get exactly what you want out of the WordFinder app, every time you use it. And, if you want to find more valuable uses for the app, we have you covered. Our guide for all of the best yet unexpected ways to use the WordFinder app will give you plenty of ideas for how to make the most of your time with it. 

Zac Pricener has been a content creator for the past eight years. He’s a bit of an all-around nerd, and he has a bad habit of working movie and TV show references into conversations whenever possible.


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