Word Swipe: An Easy-to-Play Game With Epic Challenges

word swipe game squares play to win

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Word Swipe is a fun, casual game that introduces a new style of classic word search gameplay. Players need to have a sharp eye and pay close attention to the game’s clues to find and collect the keywords for each puzzle. With its gravity-focused approach to word search, Word Swipe’s fun factor simply falls into place every time you play.

Swiping Up the Fun Factor

At its core, Word Swipe is a revision of multiple word search formulas. It also takes inspiration from falling block games such as Tetris and Candy Crush. This continues with other Word Swipe games, including the Word Swipe 2 sequel.

How to Play Word Swipe

For each level, you have to find words to fill the empty spaces the game provides. Below those spaces are collections of letter blocks. These blocks are stacked on top of each other in a specific order. Many of the blocks might seem like they only present jumbled letters, but there will always be a few that line up to create a valid word.

  1. Once you find some letters that spell a word, swipe across them to highlight that word. You can swipe letters from left to right, right to left or top to bottom. 

  2. The blocks will then disappear and the game will spell the word in the blank spaces above. 

  3. Once the word is visible, the remaining blocks will fall and realign with each other.

Repeat this process until you find all the hidden keywords, just like finding Wordscapes answers. Once you do, the level ends and you either collect bonus rewards or move onto the next level. Rewards accumulate over the course of five levels at a time.

Tools, Consumables and Upgrades

As is the case with most word games, Word Swipe uses in-game features to add enjoyment to the experience. These tools, currencies, and upgrades are mostly optional, similar to Words With Friends help and power-ups. But, you should consider taking advantage of them to get the most out of the Word Swipe game.

  • Keys: You use Keys to unlock and purchase Themes. 

  • Coins: Use Coins to activate helping tools like Shuffle and Locator.

  • Themes: These custom backgrounds let you personalize your experience. They do not affect gameplay.

  • Extra Word: Extra Words are words that you can spell with the blocks but aren’t part of the puzzle. Finding 20 Extra Words can earn you Coins.

  • Shuffle: The Shuffle tool reorganizes the letter blocks. This can help you spot words you might not have been able to see before.

  • Hint: The Hint tool reveals the first letter in one of the empty keyword cubes. This can help you figure out where to begin your search among the letter blocks.

  • Locator: The Locator tool highlights a letter block to help you spot one of the keywords. 

Word Swipe Tips and Tricks

Word Swipe has a straightforward premise for how to play. But, the puzzles can become more complicated the further you progress. Keep these tricks in mind as you play so you can continue to blast through the levels of all Word Swipe games.

  • Use the in-game tools to help you find missing words. They are there to help. So, don’t ignore them if you’re taking too long to figure out a puzzle.

  • Watch ads for extra coins and keys if you are running low. Word Swipe offers plenty of chances to watch ads. You don’t need to watch all of them, but sometimes they’re helpful for replenishing your resources.

  • Actively look for Extra Words when playing. Typically, every level has a few Extra Words. Some of them might be singular or plural versions of the valid words. Pay close attention to find every word you can spell.

  • Pay attention to the levels’ names to narrow your search. The keywords match a level’s theme. One example is the level “Things People Ask For.” For this level, valid words include “money” and “help.”

  • Go to WordFinder for help when you simply cannot find a word and are out of the coins to spend on the in-game tools. Enter the letters from a level into the Word Swipe cheats page on WordFinder and let it show you every word you can make. Then, find the words that match the length of the keywords. The WordFinder app will also help you find plenty of Extra Words. 

Find More Words in 4 Pics 1 Word

There are a lot of fun word games out there to play. Some Word Swipe games can challenge you to use clues to find words. Some others are more visual in nature. If you’d like to play a game that tests your ability to find the common thread between a collection of visual cues, take a look at 4 Pics 1 Word. You’ll find plenty of connections there! 

Zac Pricener has been a content creator for the past eight years. He’s a bit of an all-around nerd, and he has a bad habit of working movie and TV show references into conversations whenever possible.


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