4 Letter Words Containing E and Ending in T

4 letter words with E that end in T are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with E and words that end in T.

96 Words With Friends® words


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Word Points Options
vext 15
jeet 13
jest 13
zest 13
next 12
exit 11
kept 11
sext 11
text 11
khet 10
weft 10
wept 10
echt 9
heft 9
kelt 9
kent 9
vent 9
whet 9
belt 8
bent 8
blet 8
celt 8
cent 8
debt 8
deft 8
felt 8
keet 8
left 8
lept 8
melt 8
newt 8
pelt 8
pent 8
peut 8
vert 8
vest 8
welt 8
went 8
abet 7
beat 7
beet 7
best 7
emit 7
feat 7
feet 7
fest 7
fret 7
gelt 7
gent 7
hent 7
meat 7
meet 7
peat 7
pert 7
pest 7
poet 7
reft 7
sect 7
sept 7
weet 7
wert 7
west 7
delt 6
dent 6
duet 6
eyot 6
gest 6
haet 6
heat 6
hest 6
lent 6
yett 6
deet 5
diet 5
edit 5
leat 5
leet 5
lest 5
neat 5
nest 5
nett 5
rent 5
sent 5
suet 5
tent 5
east 4
erat 4
erst 4
etat 4
rest 4
seat 4
sett 4
stet 4
teat 4
test 4
tret 4

Showing 96 of 96 words

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