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5 Letter Words Ending in R

Five letter words that end in R can help you solve the difficult Wordle that's been giving you trouble. This extensive list of 5 letter words ending in R can help you rack up points and snag bonuses in Scrabble® GO and Words With Friends® too. Don't forget to look at 5 letter words that start with R and all the 5 letter words with R.

Words With Friends®


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jiver 18
joker 18
jumar 18
vizir 18
vizor 18
zokor 18
bazar 17
faqir 17
japer 17
jiber 17
jowar 17
major 17
mazer 17
wazir 17
gazar 16
gazer 16
hazer 16
jager 16
vexer 16
boxer 15
dozer 15
fixer 15
juror 15
lazar 15
mixer 15
queer 15
waxer 15
zoner 15
hexer 14
razer 14
razor 14
sizar 14
sizer 14
cyber 13
cymar 13
kapur 13
laxer 13
nixer 13
baker 12
bevor 12
biker 12
caver 12
cover 12
cuber 12
dhikr 12
faker 12
fakir 12
favor 12
femur 12
fever 12
fiver 12
fumer 12
hyper 12
icker 12
kabar 12
kebar 12
kefir 12
makar 12
maker 12
mover 12
mucor 12
occur 12
ocker 12
oxter 12
paver 12
piker 12
poker 12
sexer 12
sixer 12
taxer 12
umber 12
upper 12
vapor 12
vicar 12
viper 12
vomer 12
vower 12
waker 12
waver 12
wiver 12
amber 11
bower 11
buyer 11
caber 11
caper 11
churr 11
comer 11
coper 11
cower 11
cyder 11
embar 11
ember 11
emmer 11
facer 11
fewer 11
fiber 11
fifer 11
flyer 11
giver 11
haver 11

1-100 of 565 words

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