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5 Letter Words Starting with C

Five letter words beginning with C are exactly what you need as a daily Wordle solver. Plus, when you're playing word games like Scrabble® and Words With Friends®, you can find the best 5 letter words that start with C to score the most points and defeat your opponent. Capitalize on every opportunity with 5 letter words with C and 5 letter words that end in C too.

Words With Friends®


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Word Points Options
capiz 20
cozey 19
crazy 19
cajon 18
calyx 18
capax 18
capex 18
choux 18
chuck 18
cimex 18
cinqs 18
civvy 18
cloze 18
colza 18
comix 18
cozen 18
cylix 18
chack 17
check 17
chick 17
chock 17
chowk 17
chuff 17
chump 17
cluck 17
cocky 17
cozes 17
cozie 17
craze 17
croze 17
cubby 17
culex 17
cuppy 17
czars 17
cabby 16
calix 16
campy 16
chaff 16
champ 16
chevy 16
chimb 16
chimp 16
chivy 16
choky 16
chomp 16
chunk 16
clack 16
click 16
clock 16
clump 16
cobby 16
codex 16
comfy 16
commy 16
coxal 16
coxed 16
cruck 16
cwtch 16
cacks 15
carex 15
cecum 15
chalk 15
chewy 15
chyme 15
civic 15
clamp 15
cliff 15
climb 15
clomb 15
clomp 15
clunk 15
cocks 15
conky 15
coxae 15
coxes 15
crack 15
crick 15
crock 15
crumb 15
crump 15
cubeb 15
cubic 15
cuffs 15
culch 15
cumec 15
cuppa 15
curvy 15
cabob 14
caffs 14
cakey 14
campi 14
campo 14
camps 14
casky 14
caulk 14
chark 14
chavs 14
chawl 14
cheek 14
chirk 14

1-100 of 728 words

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