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5 Letter Words Starting with F and Containing K
Five letter words beginning with F and containing K can help you solve today's Wordle. Specific word lists like this are here so you can score big points in Scrabble® GO and Words With Friends® too. Get the full 5 letter words list including F words to jump at every opportunity and win every game.
Words With Friends®
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Word | Points | Options |
flack | 16 | |
fleck | 16 | |
flick | 16 | |
flock | 16 | |
fluky | 16 | |
funky | 16 | |
fecks | 15 | |
flaky | 15 | |
flunk | 15 | |
folky | 15 | |
frack | 15 | |
frock | 15 | |
fakey | 14 | |
flank | 14 | |
fluke | 14 | |
forky | 14 | |
funks | 14 | |
fykes | 14 | |
faked | 13 | |
finks | 13 | |
flake | 13 | |
flask | 13 | |
folks | 13 | |
frank | 13 | |
faker | 12 | |
fakes | 12 | |
fakie | 12 | |
fakir | 12 | |
forks | 12 | |
freak | 12 | |
frisk | 12 |
31 of 31 words