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8 Letter Words Containing O and Ending in E
8 letter words with O that end in E are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with O and words that end in E.
Words With Friends®
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Word | Points | Options |
jumboize | 33 | |
jarovize | 30 | |
zabajone | 30 | |
mozzette | 29 | |
exorcize | 27 | |
quatorze | 27 | |
coenzyme | 26 | |
comprize | 26 | |
equivoke | 26 | |
volumize | 26 | |
chromize | 25 | |
foxglove | 25 | |
hemolyze | 25 | |
lysozyme | 25 | |
myxocyte | 25 | |
pyrolyze | 25 | |
ribozyme | 25 | |
schmooze | 25 | |
vocalize | 25 | |
vowelize | 25 | |
zoophobe | 25 | |
zymogene | 25 | |
bulldoze | 24 | |
cabezone | 24 | |
caponize | 24 | |
focalize | 24 | |
forjudge | 24 | |
jockette | 24 | |
jumboise | 24 | |
killzone | 24 | |
mobilize | 24 | |
polemize | 24 | |
vaporize | 24 | |
womanize | 24 | |
zoophyte | 24 | |
cocklike | 23 | |
coquille | 23 | |
cozenage | 23 | |
downzone | 23 | |
hominize | 23 | |
jamboree | 23 | |
logicize | 23 | |
memorize | 23 | |
novelize | 23 | |
optimize | 23 | |
oxyphile | 23 | |
prefroze | 23 | |
pyrolize | 23 | |
zoophile | 23 | |
aphorize | 22 | |
backbone | 22 | |
boutique | 22 | |
buncombe | 22 | |
canonize | 22 | |
colonize | 22 | |
comblike | 22 | |
demonize | 22 | |
downsize | 22 | |
dropzone | 22 | |
gazogene | 22 | |
jobshare | 22 | |
joinable | 22 | |
localize | 22 | |
melodize | 22 | |
mockable | 22 | |
outblaze | 22 | |
quotable | 22 | |
tokenize | 22 | |
valorize | 22 | |
womblike | 22 | |
zoochore | 22 | |
zygotene | 22 | |
alkoxide | 21 | |
autolyze | 21 | |
automize | 21 | |
benzoate | 21 | |
blockage | 21 | |
blowpipe | 21 | |
botanize | 21 | |
boxscore | 21 | |
calorize | 21 | |
coequate | 21 | |
colorize | 21 | |
commence | 21 | |
complice | 21 | |
convolve | 21 | |
coquette | 21 | |
creolize | 21 | |
eulogize | 21 | |
folklike | 21 | |
halazone | 21 | |
knoblike | 21 | |
misquote | 21 | |
monazite | 21 | |
monetize | 21 | |
monklike | 21 | |
moquette | 21 | |
moralize | 21 | |
moresque | 21 | |
opsonize | 21 |
1-100 of 1490 words
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