Words with the Letter N

Build up your LEXICON by adding a wide RANGE of words with N. A bigger vocabulary can be INCREDIBLY useful if you want to NAB as many POINTS as possible on your next turn. Short words with N like ZINE and DJIN can still be super valuable, especially when you combine them with lucrative letters like Z and J. The letter N is very popular because it’s so DARN versatile.

Words With Friends®


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15 Letter Words

Word Points Options
nebuchadnezzars 45
objectivization 44
oxyphenbutazone 44
ventriloquizing 43
benzodiazepines 42
hyperimmunizing 42
backprojections 41
psychoanalyzing 41
coenzymatically 40
commercializing 40
contextualizing 40
cyclohexylamine 40
excommunicative 40
quinquagenarian 40
conceptualizing 39
excommunicating 39
nephrectomizing 39
nonobjectivisms 39
overemphasizing 39
provincializing 39
republicanizing 39
underpublicized 39
unobjectionably 39
complementizers 38
conjunctionally 38
decontextualize 38
demythologizing 38
epigrammatizing 38
excommunicatory 38
extemporization 38
hyperpolarizing 38
hypnotizability 38
knickerbockered 38
pharyngealizing 38
phenomenalizing 38

10 of 2500 words

14 Letter Words

Word Points Options
subjectivizing 46
nebuchadnezzar 44
benzimidazoles 41
benzodiazepine 41
quinquennially 41
backprojection 40
ventriloquized 40
hyperimmunized 39
photooxidizing 39
psychologizing 39
thymectomizing 39
tranquillizing 39
ventriloquizes 39
collectivizing 38
copolymerizing 38
hyperimmunizes 38
multifrequency 38
municipalizing 38
nonobjectivism 38
phlebotomizing 38
podzolizations 38
psychoanalyzed 38
bamboozlements 37
complementizer 37
componentizing 37
contextualized 37
diphthongizing 37
misemphasizing 37
monocarboxylic 37
nonobjectivity 37
phenylbutazone 37
philosophizing 37
pickpocketting 37
psychoanalyzes 37
quarterbacking 37

10 of 2500 words


13 Letter Words

Word Points Options
quizzicalness 46
objectivizing 44
clickjackings 43
embezzlements 42
katzenjammers 42
bedazzlements 40
benzimidazole 40
jackhammering 40
quinquenniums 40
quinquevalent 40
equilibrizing 39
quickstepping 39
complexifying 38
conjunctively 38
extemporizing 38
stockjobbings 38
subjunctively 38
unequivocably 38
ventriloquize 38
barmitzvahing 37
communalizing 37
decommunizing 37
hyperimmunize 37
phagocytizing 37
podzolization 37
quinquennials 37
soliloquizing 37
subvocalizing 37
tranquilizing 37
bamboozlement 36
extravaganzas 36
gyrofrequency 36
hyperbolizing 36
maximizations 36
physicalizing 36

10 of 2500 words


12 Letter Words

Word Points Options
blackjacking 42
clickjacking 42
embezzlement 41
katzenjammer 41
juvenilizing 40
bedazzlement 39
quinquennium 39
jumboization 38
benzoquinone 37
jeopardizing 37
mezzotinting 37
stockjobbing 37
unequalizing 37
hydroxyzines 36
journalizing 36
lexicalizing 36
praziquantel 36
quinquennial 36
quinqueremes 36
unquenchably 36
chickenpoxes 35
circumjacent 35
conjunctival 35
extravaganza 35
maximization 35
objectifying 35
pickabacking 35
polygamizing 35
symptomizing 35
unpublicized 35
vulcanizable 35
windjammings 35
antikickback 34
axiomatizing 34
bolshevizing 34

10 of 2500 words


11 Letter Words

Word Points Options
dizzymaking 42
buckjumping 41
jazzinesses 39
jackknifing 38
puzzlements 38
drizzlingly 37
juvenilized 37
podzolizing 37
sjambokking 37
highjacking 36
juvenilizes 36
kibbutzniks 36
kolkhozniki 36
kolkhozniks 36
mizzenmasts 36
schnozzolas 36
skyjackings 36
dazzlements 35
hydroxyzine 35
jargonizing 35
kickboxings 35
knickknacks 35
liquidizing 35
outdazzling 35
oxygenizing 35
quincunxial 35
quinquereme 35
showjumping 35
backpacking 34
communizing 34
epoxidizing 34
fuzzinesses 34
juxtaposing 34
mezzotinted 34
muzzinesses 34

10 of 2500 words


10 Letter Words

Word Points Options
vajazzling 45
bemuzzling 39
puzzlingly 39
whizzbangs 39
embezzling 38
jumboizing 38
unmuzzling 38
unpuzzling 38
dizzyingly 37
puzzlement 37
zigzagging 37
bedazzling 36
dazzlingly 36
pozzolanic 36
jackknifed 35
jackknives 35
japanizing 35
jarovizing 35
juvenilize 35
kibbutznik 35
kolkhoznik 35
maximizing 35
mizzenmast 35
schnozzles 35
schnozzola 35
skyjacking 35
dazzlement 34
jackknifes 34
kickboxing 34
knickknack 34
mezzalunas 34
azobenzene 33
bejumbling 33
chickenpox 33
equalizing 33

10 of 2500 words


9 Letter Words

Word Points Options
squizzing 40
whizzbang 38
jazziness 37
chazzanim 36
chazzenim 36
huzzahing 35
unmuzzled 35
unpuzzled 35
frazzling 34
frizzling 34
schnozzle 34
swizzling 34
twizzling 34
unmuzzles 34
unpuzzles 34
grizzling 33
jackknife 33
mezzaluna 33
schnozzes 33
banjaxing 32
drizzling 32
fuzziness 32
japanized 32
mezzanine 32
muzziness 32
pozzolana 32
pozzolans 32
exoenzyme 31
fizziness 31
frizzante 31
grandezza 31
japanizes 31
mezzotint 31
ozonizing 31
squeezing 31

10 of 2500 words

8 Letter Words

Word Points Options
quizzing 39
zizzling 39
zugzwang 35
muzzling 34
puzzling 34
whizzing 34
zhuzhing 34
fizzling 33
guzzling 33
mizzling 33
unmuzzle 33
unpuzzle 33
chazzans 32
chazzens 32
dizzying 32
frizzing 32
hazzanim 32
huzzaing 32
nuzzling 32
dazzling 31
jejunely 31
muezzins 31
pozzolan 31
quincunx 31
bezzants 30
japanize 30
jejunity 30
sizzling 30
snazzily 30
zabajone 30
banjaxed 29
hizzoner 29
janizary 29
jonquils 29
nuzzlers 29

10 of 2500 words

7 Letter Words

Word Points Options
jazzman 38
jazzmen 38
jazzing 37
zizzing 37
buzzing 32
fuzzing 32
chazzan 31
chazzen 31
fizzing 31
jejunum 31
schnozz 31
wazzing 31
muezzin 30
bezzant 29
mizzens 29
nuzzled 29
wizzens 29
hazzans 28
jejunal 28
jonquil 28
nuzzler 28
nuzzles 28
razzing 28
sezzing 28
jinxing 27
nozzles 27
jacking 26
jumping 26
junkman 26
junkmen 26
ozonize 26
zinkify 26
enzymic 25
equinox 25
jabbing 25

10 of 2500 words

6 Letter Words

Word Points Options
mizzen 28
wizzen 28
hazzan 27
nuzzle 27
snazzy 27
banjax 26
jejuna 26
jejune 26
nozzle 26
zanzas 25
zazens 25
zincky 25
jinxed 24
jinxes 23
juking 23
kwanza 23
mzungu 23
benzyl 22
dejunk 22
fuzing 22
jingko 22
jiving 22
joking 22
jouncy 22
jungly 22
junked 22
khazen 22
quench 22
zincic 22
zonkey 22
bhajan 21
bronzy 21
byzant 21
chazan 21
chintz 21

10 of 2500 words

5 Letter Words

Word Points Options
zanza 24
zazen 24
junky 22
janky 21
zinky 21
enzym 20
junks 20
kanzu 20
zincy 20
jamun 19
jinks 19
junco 19
jupon 19
kanji 19
nudzh 19
ponzu 19
punji 19
unzip 19
zingy 19
zonks 19
banjo 18
bonza 18
bonze 18
cajon 18
cinqs 18
cozen 18
japan 18
jawan 18
jenny 18
jomon 18
minxy 18
mizen 18
namaz 18
niqab 18
nizam 18

10 of 2181 words

4 Letter Words

Word Points Options
jinx 21
junk 19
jank 18
jink 18
zonk 18
cinq 17
zinc 17
jing 16
john 16
jong 16
zany 16
zing 16
jinn 15
lynx 15
minx 15
quin 15
azan 14
jane 14
jean 14
jeon 14
jins 14
join 14
nixy 14
onyx 14
zein 14
zine 14
zins 14
zona 14
zone 14
zoon 14
bunk 13
funk 13
konk 13
punk 13
axon 12

10 of 773 words

2 Letter Words

Word Points Options
nu 4
un 4
an 3
en 3
in 3
na 3
ne 3
no 3
on 3

9 of 9 words

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