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Words Starting with H and Containing C
Words that start with H and contain C are all here. Make the most of the tiles in your rack and the letters already played on the board to score big in Words With Friends® and Scrabble®. Find words with C and words that start with H to reach that double or triple word bonus and win!
1423 Words With Friends® words
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15 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
hexachlorophene | 36 | |
hyperexcitement | 36 | |
homomorphically | 35 | |
hysterectomized | 35 | |
hemodynamically | 34 | |
hygroscopically | 34 | |
hypomagnesaemic | 34 | |
hysterectomizes | 34 | |
hexachlorethane | 33 | |
hydromechanical | 33 | |
hypercoagulable | 33 | |
hyperexcretions | 33 | |
hyperlipidaemic | 33 | |
hypervigilances | 33 | |
hypochondriacal | 33 | |
hemicylindrical | 32 | |
hemispherically | 32 | |
hendecasyllabic | 32 | |
hexylresorcinol | 32 | |
hierarchization | 32 | |
histochemically | 32 | |
holographically | 32 | |
homeopathically | 32 | |
hypercatabolism | 32 | |
hypercatalectic | 32 | |
hypercritically | 32 | |
hyperfunctional | 32 | |
hypercriticisms | 31 | |
hyperproduction | 31 | |
hyperreactivity | 31 | |
hypersomnolence | 31 | |
hallucinogenics | 30 | |
hendecasyllable | 30 | |
historicization | 30 | |
hydrobiological | 30 |
Showing 10 of 66 words
14 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
hypercivilized | 39 | |
hypophysectomy | 36 | |
hepatectomized | 35 | |
hyperexcitable | 35 | |
hyperglycaemic | 35 | |
hypomagnesemic | 33 | |
hysterectomize | 33 | |
homophonically | 32 | |
hydrocrackings | 32 | |
hydrophobicity | 32 | |
hyperbolically | 32 | |
hypercatalexes | 32 | |
hypercatalexis | 32 | |
hyperexcretion | 32 | |
hyperglycaemia | 32 | |
hyperglycemias | 32 | |
hyperlipidemic | 32 | |
hypervigilance | 32 | |
hypodermically | 32 | |
hypsographical | 32 | |
handkerchieves | 31 | |
hepatotoxicity | 31 | |
hydrocephalics | 31 | |
hydromechanics | 31 | |
hygroscopicity | 31 | |
hyperbarically | 31 | |
hypercalcemias | 31 | |
hyperefficient | 31 | |
hypergolically | 31 | |
hypermetabolic | 31 | |
hypochondriacs | 31 | |
hypocritically | 31 | |
hemoglobinuric | 30 | |
hieroglyphical | 30 | |
hydrodynamical | 30 |
Showing 10 of 111 words
13 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
hyperglycemic | 34 | |
hypoglycaemic | 34 | |
hypoglycemics | 34 | |
hexadecimally | 33 | |
hypercalcemic | 33 | |
hierarchizing | 32 | |
happenchances | 31 | |
hydrocracking | 31 | |
hyperglycemia | 31 | |
hyperphysical | 31 | |
hypocycloidal | 31 | |
hypoglycaemia | 31 | |
hypoglycemias | 31 | |
handclappings | 30 | |
historicizing | 30 | |
homopolymeric | 30 | |
hydrocephalic | 30 | |
hyperactively | 30 | |
hypercalcemia | 30 | |
hyperlipaemic | 30 | |
hypervelocity | 30 | |
hypocalcaemia | 30 | |
hypocalcemias | 30 | |
hypochondriac | 30 | |
handkerchiefs | 29 | |
hyperactivity | 29 | |
hyperfunction | 29 | |
hypermetropic | 29 | |
haemodynamics | 28 | |
haplochromine | 28 | |
hectographing | 28 | |
hemimetabolic | 28 | |
hieroglyphics | 28 | |
homologically | 28 | |
hydrocephalus | 28 |
Showing 10 of 118 words
12 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
hypercomplex | 36 | |
hypoglycemic | 33 | |
hypocalcemic | 32 | |
happenchance | 30 | |
hyperexcited | 30 | |
hypoglycemia | 30 | |
hypokalaemic | 30 | |
hypovolaemic | 30 | |
handclapping | 29 | |
hexadecimals | 29 | |
hierarchized | 29 | |
honeycombing | 29 | |
hyperlipemic | 29 | |
hypocalcemia | 29 | |
hypocycloids | 29 | |
hypsographic | 29 | |
handicapping | 28 | |
handkerchief | 28 | |
heckelphones | 28 | |
hierarchizes | 28 | |
homeomorphic | 28 | |
hopscotching | 28 | |
hydrocephaly | 28 | |
hydrocracked | 28 | |
hydromorphic | 28 | |
hypertypical | 28 | |
hypothalamic | 28 | |
haemodynamic | 27 | |
hemodynamics | 27 | |
hibernaculum | 27 | |
hieroglyphic | 27 | |
historicized | 27 | |
honeybunches | 27 | |
hotchpotches | 27 | |
hydrocracker | 27 |
Showing 10 of 179 words
11 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
highjacking | 36 | |
hunchbacked | 31 | |
hypnopompic | 31 | |
hackmatacks | 30 | |
hippocampal | 29 | |
hippocampus | 29 | |
hypokalemic | 29 | |
hypomorphic | 29 | |
hypovolemic | 29 | |
handcuffing | 28 | |
handpicking | 28 | |
hexadecimal | 28 | |
hylozoistic | 28 | |
hypercapnic | 28 | |
hyperphagic | 28 | |
hypocycloid | 28 | |
hammerlocks | 27 | |
heckelphone | 27 | |
hemimorphic | 27 | |
hiccoughing | 27 | |
hierarchize | 27 | |
hitchhiking | 27 | |
homomorphic | 27 | |
huckleberry | 27 | |
hydrophobic | 27 | |
hygrophytic | 27 | |
hylomorphic | 27 | |
hackerspace | 26 | |
hemodynamic | 26 | |
hepatotoxic | 26 | |
homographic | 26 | |
honeycombed | 26 | |
hopsackings | 26 | |
hydrocracks | 26 | |
hydrophytic | 26 |
Showing 10 of 198 words
10 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
highjacked | 33 | |
hijackings | 31 | |
huckabacks | 30 | |
humpbacked | 30 | |
hackmatack | 29 | |
hummocking | 29 | |
hunchbacks | 29 | |
hiccupping | 28 | |
hydroxylic | 28 | |
hatchbacks | 27 | |
hippocampi | 27 | |
hacktivism | 26 | |
hammerlock | 26 | |
henpecking | 26 | |
homophobic | 26 | |
hackneying | 25 | |
hacksawing | 25 | |
handcuffed | 25 | |
handpicked | 25 | |
hexachords | 25 | |
hexacopter | 25 | |
hoactzines | 25 | |
hollyhocks | 25 | |
honeybunch | 25 | |
hopsacking | 25 | |
hotchpotch | 25 | |
hydrocrack | 25 | |
hypnagogic | 25 | |
hypnogogic | 25 | |
hawfinches | 24 | |
hemicycles | 24 | |
hemiplegic | 24 | |
hemophilic | 24 | |
hexarchies | 24 | |
hiccoughed | 24 |
Showing 10 of 208 words
9 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
highjacks | 31 | |
hijacking | 30 | |
huckaback | 29 | |
hypoxemic | 29 | |
humpbacks | 28 | |
hunchback | 28 | |
hijackers | 27 | |
hatchback | 26 | |
humbucker | 26 | |
hummocked | 26 | |
hackworks | 25 | |
halfbacks | 25 | |
havocking | 25 | |
hiccupped | 25 | |
hexachord | 24 | |
hiccoughy | 24 | |
hiccuping | 24 | |
hoactzins | 24 | |
hollyhock | 24 | |
hackberry | 23 | |
handcuffs | 23 | |
handpicks | 23 | |
havelocks | 23 | |
hemicycle | 23 | |
henpecked | 23 | |
hillclimb | 23 | |
hockshops | 23 | |
holdbacks | 23 | |
homonymic | 23 | |
honeycomb | 23 | |
hypercube | 23 | |
hypericum | 23 | |
hypomanic | 23 | |
hackneyed | 22 | |
hacksawed | 22 |
Showing 10 of 191 words
8 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
highjack | 30 | |
hijacked | 27 | |
humpback | 27 | |
hijacker | 26 | |
hummocky | 26 | |
hylozoic | 25 | |
hackwork | 24 | |
halfback | 24 | |
hexarchy | 24 | |
hummocks | 24 | |
hammocks | 23 | |
hoactzin | 23 | |
holozoic | 23 | |
hommocks | 23 | |
handcuff | 22 | |
handpick | 22 | |
hatcheck | 22 | |
havelock | 22 | |
havocked | 22 | |
hawfinch | 22 | |
haycocks | 22 | |
hockshop | 22 | |
hogbacks | 22 | |
holdback | 22 | |
hackable | 21 | |
hackbuts | 21 | |
hackling | 21 | |
hacksawn | 21 | |
hardback | 21 | |
havocker | 21 | |
heckling | 21 | |
hemlocks | 21 | |
henpecks | 21 | |
hiccough | 21 | |
hiccuped | 21 |
Showing 10 of 175 words
7 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
hijacks | 25 | |
hypoxic | 24 | |
hummock | 23 | |
hammock | 22 | |
hommock | 22 | |
haycock | 21 | |
hiccupy | 21 | |
hogback | 21 | |
hackbut | 20 | |
hackman | 20 | |
hackmen | 20 | |
hemlock | 20 | |
henpeck | 20 | |
hexadic | 20 | |
hacking | 19 | |
hackney | 19 | |
hacksaw | 19 | |
hiccups | 19 | |
hocking | 19 | |
hopsack | 19 | |
hubcaps | 19 | |
hackery | 18 | |
hackled | 18 | |
haddock | 18 | |
hayrack | 18 | |
hayrick | 18 | |
heckled | 18 | |
hickeys | 18 | |
hickish | 18 | |
hickory | 18 | |
hillock | 18 | |
hockeys | 18 | |
huckles | 18 | |
hackler | 17 | |
hackles | 17 |
Showing 10 of 104 words
6 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
hijack | 24 | |
hackly | 18 | |
hiccup | 18 | |
hubcap | 18 | |
hickey | 17 | |
hockey | 17 | |
huckle | 17 | |
hymnic | 17 | |
hypnic | 17 | |
hacked | 16 | |
hackle | 16 | |
heckle | 16 | |
hocked | 16 | |
haceks | 15 | |
hackee | 15 | |
hacker | 15 | |
hackie | 15 | |
haicks | 15 | |
haunch | 15 | |
havocs | 15 | |
hocker | 15 | |
hocket | 15 | |
hoicks | 15 | |
holmic | 15 | |
huchen | 15 | |
humect | 15 | |
haemic | 14 | |
haptic | 14 | |
hectic | 14 | |
hepcat | 14 | |
heuchs | 14 | |
honcho | 14 | |
hydric | 14 | |
hyenic | 14 | |
hootch | 13 |
Showing 10 of 40 words
5 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
hacky | 16 | |
hucks | 15 | |
hacek | 14 | |
hacks | 14 | |
haick | 14 | |
havoc | 14 | |
hecks | 14 | |
hicks | 14 | |
hocks | 14 | |
hoick | 14 | |
humic | 14 | |
hunch | 14 | |
hemic | 13 | |
hench | 13 | |
heuch | 13 | |
hutch | 13 | |
hatch | 12 | |
hitch | 12 | |
hoach | 12 | |
hooch | 12 | |
hotch | 12 | |
hance | 11 | |
hence | 11 | |
hocus | 11 |
Showing 10 of 24 words
4 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
huck | 14 | |
hack | 13 | |
heck | 13 | |
hick | 13 | |
hock | 13 | |
huic | 10 |
Showing 6 of 6 words
3 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
hac | 8 | |
hic | 8 | |
hoc | 8 |
Showing 3 of 3 words