Words Starting with H and Containing O

Words that start with H and contain O are all here. Make the most of the tiles in your rack and the letters already played on the board to score big in Words With Friends® and Scrabble®. Find words with O and words that start with H to reach that double or triple word bonus and win!

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15 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hyperpolarizing 38
hypnotizability 38
hexachlorophene 36
homomorphically 35
hyposensitizing 35
hysterectomized 35
hemodynamically 34
hydroxyprolines 34
hygroscopically 34
hypomagnesaemic 34
hysterectomizes 34
hexachlorethane 33
homogenizations 33
hydromechanical 33
hydroxylapatite 33
hypercoagulable 33
hyperexcretions 33
hypochondriacal 33
hexylresorcinol 32
hierarchization 32
histochemically 32
holographically 32
homeopathically 32
hydroxyapatites 32
hypercatabolism 32
hyperfunctional 32
hypermetabolism 32
hypostatization 32
hematoporphyrin 31
hospitalization 31
hyperextensions 31
hyperproduction 31
hypersomnolence 31
hypomagnesaemia 31
hypomagnesemias 31

10 of 116 words

14 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hypophysectomy 36
hepatectomized 35
hyperpolarized 35
hyperpolarizes 34
hexamethoniums 33
hydroxylamines 33
hydroxyproline 33
hypomagnesemic 33
hysterectomize 33
halfpennyworth 32
homogenization 32
homophonically 32
homozygosities 32
hybridizations 32
hydrocrackings 32
hydrophobicity 32
hyperbolically 32
hyperexcretion 32
hypodermically 32
hyposensitized 32
hypsographical 32
hepatotoxicity 31
heterozygosity 31
hydrocephalics 31
hydromechanics 31
hydroxyapatite 31
hygroscopicity 31
hypergolically 31
hypermetabolic 31
hypertrophying 31
hypochondriacs 31
hypocritically 31
hyposensitizes 31
harmonizations 30
hemoglobinuric 30

10 of 178 words


13 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hyperbolizing 36
hypopharynxes 35
hypoglycaemic 34
hypoglycemics 34
hypothesizing 34
hyperpolarize 33
hexamethonium 32
hydroxylamine 32
hypostasizing 32
hypostatizing 32
hospitalizing 31
hybridization 31
hydrocracking 31
hydroxylating 31
hypocycloidal 31
hypoglycaemia 31
hypoglycemias 31
hypothesizers 31
hypoxanthines 31
historicizing 30
homopolymeric 30
humanizations 30
hydrocephalic 30
hydroquinones 30
hypervelocity 30
hypocalcaemia 30
hypocalcemias 30
hypochondriac 30
hypopharynges 30
hyposensitize 30
harmonization 29
hemimorphisms 29
hexobarbitals 29
homeomorphism 29
hominizations 29

10 of 235 words


12 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hydroxyzines 36
hypercomplex 36
homozygously 34
hydrolyzable 33
hyperbolized 33
hypnotizable 33
hypoglycemic 33
homogenizing 32
homologizing 32
homozygosity 32
hyperbolizes 32
hypocalcemic 32
hypothesized 31
hypoglycemia 30
hypokalaemic 30
hypothesizer 30
hypothesizes 30
hypovolaemic 30
hypoxanthine 30
homogenizers 29
homologizers 29
homosexually 29
honeycombing 29
humanization 29
hydrolyzates 29
hydroquinone 29
hypocalcemia 29
hypocycloids 29
hypostasized 29
hypostatized 29
hypsographic 29
haematoxylin 28
heckelphones 28
hedgehopping 28
hematoxylins 28

10 of 401 words


11 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hydroxyzine 35
hypopharynx 33
hydrolyzing 31
hyperbolize 31
hypnopompic 31
hypnotizing 31
harmonizing 29
hippocampal 29
hippocampus 29
holoenzymes 29
homogenized 29
homologized 29
homozygoses 29
homozygosis 29
homozygotes 29
hypokalemic 29
hypomorphic 29
hypothesize 29
hypovolemic 29
hippogryphs 28
hokeypokeys 28
homogenizer 28
homogenizes 28
homologizer 28
homologizes 28
hydrolyzate 28
hydroxonium 28
hylozoistic 28
hymnography 28
hypocycloid 28
hammerlocks 27
hazardously 27
heckelphone 27
hematoxylin 27
hemimorphic 27

10 of 468 words


10 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hemolyzing 30
hemizygous 29
homozygous 29
hummocking 29
holoenzyme 28
hominizing 28
homozygote 28
hydrolyzed 28
hydroxylic 28
hypnotized 28
hegemonize 27
hippocampi 27
hippogryph 27
hokeypokey 27
homogenize 27
homologize 27
hydrolyzes 27
hylozoisms 27
hypnotizes 27
hypoxaemia 27
hypoxemias 27
haemolymph 26
hammerlock 26
harmonized 26
hemolymphs 26
hexaploidy 26
hippogriff 26
homophobic 26
humoresque 26
hammerkops 25
harmonizer 25
harmonizes 25
hexachords 25
hexacopter 25
hoactzines 25

10 of 526 words


9 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hizzoners 30
hypoxemic 29
hemolyzed 27
hemolyzes 26
hummocked 26
hydrolyze 26
hylozoism 26
hypnotize 26
hypoxemia 26
hackworks 25
havocking 25
hemolymph 25
hominized 25
hammerkop 24
harmonize 24
hexachord 24
hiccoughy 24
hoactzins 24
hollyhock 24
hominizes 24
homoeobox 24
hydroxyls 24
hydrozoan 24
hymnbooks 24
hypomorph 24
havelocks 23
hawkmoths 23
hellboxes 23
heroizing 23
hexaploid 23
hockshops 23
holdbacks 23
homonymic 23
honeycomb 23
howitzers 23

10 of 535 words

8 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hizzoner 29
hummocky 26
hemolyze 25
hokypoky 25
hylozoic 25
hackwork 24
hummocks 24
hammocks 23
hexapody 23
hoactzin 23
holozoic 23
homeobox 23
hominize 23
hommocks 23
hydroxyl 23
hymnbook 23
hyponymy 23
havelock 22
havocked 22
hawkmoth 22
hayboxes 22
haycocks 22
hockshop 22
hogbacks 22
holdback 22
howitzer 22
hypogyny 22
hypoxias 22
halazone 21
havocker 21
hemlocks 21
hexapods 21
hiccough 21
hillocky 21
homonymy 21

10 of 510 words

7 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hypoxic 24
hummock 23
hammock 22
hommock 22
haycock 21
hellbox 21
hogback 21
hydroxy 21
hypoxia 21
hemlock 20
hexapod 20
hyponym 20
hexagon 19
hoatzin 19
hoaxing 19
hocking 19
homosex 19
hopsack 19
horizon 19
howking 19
haddock 18
hayfork 18
heroize 18
hickory 18
highboy 18
hillock 18
hobbing 18
hockeys 18
homburg 18
homonym 18
hopping 18
hymnody 18
handoff 17
hapkido 17
haymows 17

10 of 363 words

6 Letter Words

Word Points Options
haybox 20
howzat 20
howzit 20
hatbox 18
hotbox 18
hotfix 18
hockey 17
howffs 17
haymow 16
hexone 16
hiphop 16
hoaxed 16
hocked 16
hokkie 16
hokums 16
hookup 16
howked 16
havocs 15
hexose 15
hoaxer 15
hoaxes 15
hobbed 15
hobble 15
hobnob 15
hocker 15
hocket 15
hoicks 15
hokily 15
hoking 15
holmic 15
hopaks 15
hopped 15
hopple 15
haboob 14
himbos 14

10 of 244 words

5 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hokku 16
howff 16
hobby 15
hokum 15
hoppy 15
havoc 14
hocks 14
hoick 14
hopak 14
howks 14
himbo 13
hippo 13
hokey 13
homme 13
hooky 13
howdy 13
howfs 13
hoach 12
hoked 12
holks 12
homey 12
honks 12
hooch 12
hotch 12
hough 12
hovel 12
hypos 12
hoagy 11
hocus 11
hoggs 11
hokes 11
holly 11
holme 11
holms 11
homed 11

10 of 125 words

4 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hoax 13
hock 13
howk 13
holk 11
homy 11
honk 11
hypo 11
hogg 10
hoke 10
hoki 10
hoks 10
holm 10
holp 10
hook 10
hove 10
howl 10
hobo 9
hobs 9
holy 9
homa 9
home 9
hong 9
hoof 9
hoop 9
hope 9
hops 9
howe 9
hows 9
hogs 8
hoho 8
hold 8
hoya 8
hoys 8
halo 7
helo 7

10 of 60 words

3 Letter Words

Word Points Options
hok 9
hob 8
hoc 8
hom 8
hop 8
how 8
hog 7
hoy 7
hod 6
hon 6
hao 5
hoe 5
hoi 5
hos 5
hot 5

10 of 15 words

2 Letter Words

Word Points Options
ho 4

1 of 1 words

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