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Words Starting with V and Containing G
Words that start with V and contain G are all here. Make the most of the tiles in your rack and the letters already played on the board to score big in Words With Friends® and Scrabble®. Find words with G and words that start with V to reach that double or triple word bonus and win!
605 Words With Friends® words
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15 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
ventriloquizing | 43 | |
vernacularizing | 37 | |
vocationalizing | 36 | |
venographically | 34 | |
ventriloquising | 34 | |
vermicomposting | 34 | |
vernacularising | 28 | |
videorecordings | 27 | |
vocationalising | 27 |
Showing 9 of 9 words
14 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vexillological | 34 | |
vulgarizations | 32 | |
vulcanological | 31 | |
vulvovaginitis | 31 | |
vexillologists | 30 | |
volcanological | 30 | |
vaccinologists | 28 | |
vengefulnesses | 27 | |
victimologists | 27 | |
vulcanologists | 27 | |
vaingloriously | 26 | |
venereological | 26 | |
videorecording | 26 | |
volcanologists | 26 | |
vegetativeness | 25 | |
vegetarianisms | 24 | |
verbigerations | 24 | |
vitellogeneses | 23 | |
vitellogenesis | 23 | |
vulgarisations | 23 | |
venereologists | 22 | |
vigorousnesses | 22 |
Showing 10 of 22 words
13 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vasectomizing | 35 | |
vascularizing | 34 | |
verticalizing | 33 | |
villagization | 31 | |
vulgarization | 31 | |
vexillologies | 29 | |
vexillologist | 29 | |
vacillatingly | 28 | |
videographics | 28 | |
vaccinologist | 27 | |
virologically | 27 | |
vasectomising | 26 | |
vicegerencies | 26 | |
victimologies | 26 | |
victimologist | 26 | |
videochatting | 26 | |
vulcanologies | 26 | |
vulcanologist | 26 | |
vascularising | 25 | |
videographers | 25 | |
videographies | 25 | |
volcanologies | 25 | |
volcanologist | 25 | |
vantagepoints | 24 | |
verticalising | 24 | |
vertiginously | 24 | |
vegetarianism | 23 | |
verbigeration | 23 | |
vigintillions | 23 | |
vitellogenins | 23 | |
voguishnesses | 23 | |
villagisation | 22 | |
vulgarisation | 22 | |
venereologist | 21 |
Showing 10 of 34 words
12 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vitaminizing | 32 | |
vexillologic | 31 | |
virtualizing | 30 | |
volatilizing | 30 | |
volcanologic | 27 | |
vagabondisms | 26 | |
voiceovering | 26 | |
vagabondages | 25 | |
vaginoplasty | 25 | |
vegetatively | 25 | |
vengefulness | 25 | |
vociferating | 25 | |
vanguardisms | 24 | |
venographies | 24 | |
vesiculating | 24 | |
videographer | 24 | |
vaginismuses | 23 | |
vantagepoint | 23 | |
vaticinating | 23 | |
videocasting | 23 | |
vigilantisms | 23 | |
vitaminising | 23 | |
vituperating | 23 | |
vigintillion | 22 | |
vitellogenin | 22 | |
volunteering | 22 | |
vainglorious | 21 | |
vanguardists | 21 | |
virtualising | 21 | |
volatilising | 21 | |
vegetational | 20 | |
vigorousness | 20 | |
vinegariness | 20 | |
virginalists | 20 | |
variegations | 19 |
Showing 10 of 36 words
11 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
victimizing | 33 | |
vulcanizing | 33 | |
vanquishing | 31 | |
verbalizing | 31 | |
vulgarizing | 31 | |
vagotomized | 30 | |
vandalizing | 30 | |
vectorizing | 30 | |
vernalizing | 29 | |
vexillology | 29 | |
visualizing | 29 | |
vulgarizers | 28 | |
vaccinology | 27 | |
vouchsafing | 27 | |
venographic | 26 | |
vicegerency | 26 | |
victimology | 26 | |
voetsakking | 26 | |
vulcanology | 26 | |
vaccinating | 25 | |
vagabonding | 25 | |
vagabondism | 25 | |
videography | 25 | |
vivisecting | 25 | |
volcanology | 25 | |
vagabondage | 24 | |
vagabondish | 24 | |
vanishingly | 24 | |
viceregally | 24 | |
victimising | 24 | |
victualling | 24 | |
vilipending | 24 | |
vulcanising | 24 | |
vacillating | 23 | |
vanguardism | 23 |
Showing 10 of 77 words
10 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vajazzling | 45 | |
volumizing | 31 | |
vocalizing | 30 | |
vowelizing | 30 | |
vaporizing | 29 | |
vulgarized | 28 | |
valorizing | 27 | |
velarizing | 27 | |
vitalizing | 27 | |
vulgarizer | 27 | |
vulgarizes | 27 | |
vengefully | 25 | |
verbifying | 25 | |
venography | 24 | |
viewgraphs | 24 | |
vermifuges | 23 | |
vetchlings | 23 | |
volplaning | 23 | |
vouchering | 23 | |
vagabonded | 22 | |
vanpooling | 22 | |
vaultingly | 22 | |
vauntingly | 22 | |
verballing | 22 | |
versifying | 22 | |
victualing | 22 | |
vitrifying | 22 | |
volumising | 22 | |
voyageable | 22 | |
vaginismus | 21 | |
vengeances | 21 | |
vergership | 21 | |
vigilances | 21 | |
vigilantly | 21 | |
virgership | 21 |
Showing 10 of 88 words
9 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vulgarize | 26 | |
vivifying | 25 | |
vacuuming | 24 | |
viewgraph | 23 | |
vermifuge | 22 | |
vetchling | 22 | |
vilifying | 22 | |
vinifying | 22 | |
valancing | 21 | |
varyingly | 21 | |
vasbyting | 21 | |
vegetably | 21 | |
verifying | 21 | |
vagabonds | 20 | |
vaginally | 20 | |
vapouring | 20 | |
vasovagal | 20 | |
vengeance | 20 | |
vigilance | 20 | |
volleying | 20 | |
vulgarism | 20 | |
vagotonic | 19 | |
vagrantly | 19 | |
vainglory | 19 | |
vamoosing | 19 | |
vanishing | 19 | |
vaporings | 19 | |
vectoring | 19 | |
veeringly | 19 | |
veganisms | 19 | |
vegetable | 19 | |
venograms | 19 | |
vergences | 19 | |
vestigium | 19 | |
vibrating | 19 |
Showing 10 of 90 words
8 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vexingly | 25 | |
vizoring | 24 | |
vouching | 21 | |
vagrancy | 20 | |
vengeful | 20 | |
vlogging | 20 | |
voluming | 20 | |
vagabond | 19 | |
vagotomy | 19 | |
venoming | 19 | |
vicugnas | 19 | |
voyaging | 19 | |
vulgarly | 19 | |
vacating | 18 | |
vamosing | 18 | |
vaporing | 18 | |
veganism | 18 | |
vegetive | 18 | |
venogram | 18 | |
vergence | 18 | |
vicinage | 18 | |
viewings | 18 | |
villagey | 18 | |
vogueing | 18 | |
vomiting | 18 | |
vrooming | 18 | |
vagility | 17 | |
vanguard | 17 | |
vaulting | 17 | |
vaunting | 17 | |
veluring | 17 | |
vendange | 17 | |
verbiage | 17 | |
vialling | 17 | |
vicarage | 17 |
Showing 10 of 86 words
7 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vamping | 20 | |
viffing | 20 | |
valving | 19 | |
vyingly | 19 | |
vegging | 18 | |
vicugna | 18 | |
vikings | 18 | |
vivaing | 18 | |
vagally | 17 | |
vaguely | 17 | |
venging | 17 | |
viewing | 17 | |
voguing | 17 | |
voicing | 17 | |
vulning | 17 | |
vaguish | 16 | |
valuing | 16 | |
vanning | 16 | |
varying | 16 | |
vending | 16 | |
verging | 16 | |
vishing | 16 | |
vlogger | 16 | |
voguish | 16 | |
voyaged | 16 | |
vuggier | 16 | |
vugular | 16 | |
vaginal | 15 | |
vailing | 15 | |
valgoid | 15 | |
vealing | 15 | |
veggies | 15 | |
veiling | 15 | |
veining | 15 | |
venting | 15 |
Showing 10 of 79 words
6 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vexing | 20 | |
viking | 17 | |
vibing | 16 | |
vicing | 16 | |
vowing | 16 | |
vagrom | 15 | |
vegged | 15 | |
vulgus | 15 | |
vagary | 14 | |
valgus | 14 | |
vegges | 14 | |
veggie | 14 | |
venged | 14 | |
vining | 14 | |
vogued | 14 | |
voling | 14 | |
voyage | 14 | |
vulgar | 14 | |
vygies | 14 | |
vagile | 13 | |
vagina | 13 | |
vaguer | 13 | |
vangas | 13 | |
vegans | 13 | |
venges | 13 | |
verged | 13 | |
verlig | 13 | |
vigils | 13 | |
vigour | 13 | |
virgin | 13 | |
vising | 13 | |
voguer | 13 | |
vogues | 13 | |
voting | 13 | |
vegete | 12 |
Showing 10 of 46 words
5 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vuggy | 16 | |
vuggs | 14 | |
vughs | 14 | |
vying | 14 | |
vulgo | 13 | |
vygie | 13 | |
vagal | 12 | |
vague | 12 | |
vagus | 12 | |
vanga | 12 | |
vangs | 12 | |
vegan | 12 | |
venge | 12 | |
vigil | 12 | |
vlogs | 12 | |
vogue | 12 | |
vegas | 11 | |
vegie | 11 | |
verge | 11 | |
vigas | 11 | |
vigia | 11 | |
vigor | 11 | |
virga | 11 | |
virgo | 11 | |
vogie | 11 |
Showing 10 of 25 words
4 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vugg | 13 | |
vugh | 13 | |
vang | 11 | |
vlog | 11 | |
vugs | 11 | |
vagi | 10 | |
vega | 10 | |
viga | 10 | |
vigs | 10 |
Showing 9 of 9 words
3 Letter Words
Word | Points | Options |
vug | 10 | |
veg | 9 | |
vig | 9 | |
vog | 9 |
Showing 4 of 4 words